Intelligence alone, it appears, will not win the day for an inventor bursting with great ideas. Yale University cognitive psychologist Robert Sternberg believes the winning streak involves the existence of “successful intelligence.” Ashonors graduate of Harvard Law School, Tama J. Kieves, said, “Transformation of any kind always exacts a holy tussle. The newborn butterfly struggles to open its wings so it can conjure up the strength to fly. So too with artists, inventors, mystics, and entrepreneurs.” The transformation that is anticipated through an invention will only come about if action is taken to convert the idea into a product that will sell. For instance, regular people believe Thomas Edison invented the light bulb. In reality, two English chemists Humphrey Davy and Joseph Swan developed a working light bulb long before Edison. What Edison did was to take a great working idea and turn it into a highly saleable product – the first commercially viable and long-lasting electric bulb. And he did not stop at that. He is credited with constructing the world’s first workable power station. However, unlike during the time of Edison, building businesses from invention ideas is extremely challenging in contemporary times. Apart from unimaginable kinds of information in unbelievable quantities freely available on the Internet, there is also effortless global access to alternative products and complicated loads of government regulations that hamper a product’s commercial viability.


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